Márk Benjamin Emődi
research associate
1111 Budapest, Lágymányosi u. 11.
Room number
L 515
+36 1 279 6065
Márk Emődi is a research associate at the Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems (LPDS) at the Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI), Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH). He received his Computer Science Engineering BSc and MSc degrees from the Óbuda University, John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics. Since 2020, he has been pursuing his PhD research on the topic of cloud troubleshooting. He has been involved in COLA, CloudiFacturing and DIGITbrain European H2020 projects. His research interests focus on software engineering, parallel computing, clouds and machine learning.
Important publications
The Past, Present and Future of the ELKH Cloud
Publication date2022Deploying Docker Swarm cluster on hybrid clouds using Occopus
Publication date2018