Development Projects

15 Mar 2008– 31 Mar 2011

Reliability focused research on optimizing Wind Energy systems design, operation and maintenance: Tools, proof of concepts, guidelines & methodologies for a new generation.

ReliaWind project is awarded EU funding within the frame of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for RTD (FP7) under the Specific Programme COOPERATION, Theme 5 - Energy (Call FP7-ENERGY-2007-1_RTD)

1 Mar 2008– 29 Feb 2012

S-Cube, the Software Services and Systems Network, aims to establish an integrated, multidisciplinary, vibrant research community which enables Europe to lead the software-services revolution, thereby helping shape the software-service based Internet which is the backbone of our future interactive society.

An integration of research expertise and an intense collaboration of researchers in the field of software services and systems are needed to address the following key problems:

1 Jan 2008– 31 Dec 2009

The targets of the project are user communities that require large computing power not available or accessible in current scientific e-Infrastructures. In order to support the specific needs of these scientific and other communities The consortium will interconnect the largest European Service Grid infrastructure (EGEE) with existing Desktop Grid (DG) systems in a strong partnership with the EGEE consortium.

1 Dec 2007– 28 Feb 2010

The aim of the Innovative eLearning Tool for Quality Training Material in VET (IQTool) project is to develop an open source software tool integrated in LMS(s), which is suitable to assess the teaching quality management of eLearning training programs and training materials for supporting the application of the quality measurement tool for institutions dealing with vocational training and which therefore can promote the establishment and development of quality culture. The project implementation integrates testing of software and pilot training of the training material as well.

1 Jun 2007– 31 Dec 2010

The Pocket Guide is a tool integrating the functionality of the cityguide, the audioguide and the navigation systems. The service makes sightseeing possible without any additional preparation. With its help, the tourist does not need calculate and plan sightseeing using guidebooks and information on the Internet or select at random from the torrent of the available information.

1 Jan 2007– 31 Dec 2009

__RICOH - SZTAKI press release

1 Oct 2006– 30 Sep 2010

Coordinated by Continental AG the consortium of major European car manufacturers, suppliers, research institutions, and academia addresses a vehicle system that promises maximum impact and reward regarding the transferability to other parts of the vehicle and that can be achieved within the 4 years of duration of the project:

1 Aug – 30 Nov

The targets, the scope and the dimension of the T-Soa project are withheld.

1 Jul 2006– 31 Dec 2008

Development of an identity management system, which is strongly related to a system of a mobile operator; fully meets the requirements of data protection regulations, even force the usage of them, and demonstration of the operation in a standardized e-commerce experimental application environment.
The Authentication and Authorization Subsystem is based on the standards of Federative Identity Management (Liberty, and OASIS SAML).

1 Jun 2006– 31 Oct 2007

The goal of the project

Freesoft Plc. has made considerable efforts to make the quality of its products and services better via the developments that are to be realized through R&D project results. Its Contentum content management product, which is a market leader in the field of file and document management systems used in public administration in Hungary, aims to support the better management of search and retrieval functions of these systems and to reduce the high costs of digitizing.