The main objective of the program is to establish the network of resource centers of education and experts - the New Media Knowledge Villages - for integrated digital TV and web developments that are based on the "TV anywhere-anytime" model. The...
The wide range of operational risks companies and organisations are exposed to, encompass risks stemming from wilful internal and external frauds, and other criminal acts as well as from deficiencies of internal procedures, weak control thereof and...
This project aims at developing a prototype intelligent information system which allows doctors and nurses to have convenient access to patient data as well as to clinical guidelines specifying recommended actions to be taken in different clinical...
CALIBRATE brings together eight Ministries of Education, (including six MoEs from new member states), leading research institutions, validation experts, technology providers and SMEs to carry out a multi-level project designed to support the...
A MOBIL INNOVÁCIÓS KÖZPONT a Nemzeti Kutatási és Technológiai Hivatal pályázati támogatásából alakult meg (MIK), amely egyetemek, akadémiai kutatóintézet, iparvállalatok, szolgáltatók, valamint tudományos kutatással vagy innovációval foglalkozó...
The goal of the project is to develop and validate, within a pilot framework, a unified identification, authorization management, and logging system that enables organizations connected to the national research network—such as higher education...
There have been lots of developments in the grid and supercomputing research in Hungary. On the basis of previous research a new field of interest emerged; the so called service oriented supercomputing or distributed virtual supercomputer. The new...
The aim of the project is to develop a standard wireless system architecture that allows: secure, managed connectivity of wireless clients, the so called federated, institution wide mobility unified, managed user database easy to use and standard...
CityGuide is a joint project of our Institute with the tourism offices of 3 Hungarian cities (Pécs, Eger and Sopron). The project aims to develop a PDA-based information service for tourists offering a wide range of historic, cultural and practical...
Az ORG projekt célja a Nemzeti Rákregiszter számára egy új, modern infrastruktúrán alapuló, online adatgyűjtő rendszer kiépítése. Az új rendszer lehetővé teszi a nagy kórházakon kívül a kisebb intézeteknek is, hogy kényelmesen, egy webböngésző...
The goal of the project was the renewal of Hungarian Telekom's internet discussion forum system by migrating data from the existing system. A major requirement for the new system was that it must be able to serve the regularly organised public forums...
One of the most VITAL features of factories is their ability of cooperation, quick responses to changes and disturbances. These are matters of survival, independent of the size of the firms. The goal of our project is to research and develop new...