Grid erőforrás projekt
Project data
Department in charge
There have been lots of developments in the grid and supercomputing research in Hungary. On the basis of previous research a new field of interest emerged; the so called service oriented supercomputing or distributed virtual supercomputer. The new grid services will be based on student laboratory computers. Although the grid and the supercomputing architectures differ significantly, there is convergence between the two fields. The idea is two unify the best sides of the two “worlds” in order create a service oriented architecture that can be managed safely and securely. The aim of the project is to develop a new technology that is based on standards coming from supercomputing, using client-server model and provides supercomputing facilities and normal computing laboratory services. The new services are heavily built on virtualization and hot-standby solutions. As the provided services are separated from a dedicated machine it becomes possible to make virtually independent services for the end-user; the modify the ratio between the supercomputing and student computing laboratory services that are using commercially available standard thin clients. The actual execution of the tasks can be either platform, which also includes some independency of the actual storage subsystem.

István Tétényi, Dr.