The PC glasses contain the computer in a case with sunshield form which does not obstruct the view. There is a simplified user interface on its upper shield with four buttons for paging, searching and switching books, films and files stored in the...
The aim of the Innovative eLearning Tool for Quality Training Material in VET (IQTool) project is to develop an open source software tool integrated in LMS(s), which is suitable to assess the teaching quality management of eLearning training programs...
The Pocket Guide is a tool integrating the functionality of the cityguide, the audioguide and the navigation systems. The service makes sightseeing possible without any additional preparation. With its help, the tourist does not need calculate and...
The main objective of the program is to establish the network of resource centers of education and experts - the New Media Knowledge Villages - for integrated digital TV and web developments that are based on the "TV anywhere-anytime" model. The...
CALIBRATE brings together eight Ministries of Education, (including six MoEs from new member states), leading research institutions, validation experts, technology providers and SMEs to carry out a multi-level project designed to support the...
CityGuide is a joint project of our Institute with the tourism offices of 3 Hungarian cities (Pécs, Eger and Sopron). The project aims to develop a PDA-based information service for tourists offering a wide range of historic, cultural and practical...
The objective of the program is to prepare reference studies that analyse the results of those research and pilot activities in the courses of which web, digital TV and mobile technology integrating eLearning solutions have been developed....
The eLearning project of NIIF ( National Information Infrastructure Development Program ) was initiated with the objective of promoting the wide scale utilisation of eLearning technologies in the education institutions of NIIF using the excellent...
The objective of the project Glocalisation is to support one of the promising segments of the Hungarian content industry, the production and "glocalisation" of multimedia-based computer training materials. Glocalisation is a nickname for localising...