In: ASI '99. Advanced Summer Institute '99. ICIMS-NOE. Life cycle approaches to production systems. Management, control, and supervision. Preprints. Leuven, 1999..
A compromise oriented optimization tool for supporting decision making in machining
In: Symposium on the 50th anniversary of Department of Manufacturing Engineering of Budapest University of Technology and Economics. (BUTE). Budapest, 2001..
In: Engineering of intelligent systems. 14th international conference on industrial and engineering applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems, IEA/AIE. Proceedings. Budapest, 2001. (Lecture notes in artificial intelligence, 2070.).
In: ASI '99. Advanced Summer Institute '99. ICIMS-NOE. Life cycle approaches to production systems. Management, control, and supervision. Preprints. Leuven, 1999..
Decision trees and genetic programming in synthesis of four bar mechanisms