Study of algorithms and AI.
Integration of computing and physical processes in manufacturing and logistics.
Researching and applying mathematical techniques to optimise and learn from data.
The National Laboratories coordinated by HUN-REN SZTAKI aim to strengthen domestic R&D and boost the competitiveness of the economy with innovative, world-class solutions.
The goal of this Platform is to support Internet-based economy and innovation by stepping into a new era of technology. Read more
Scientific cloud services for research projects. Read more
Scientific Data Repository for the Hungarian Research Community. Read more
In: Annual international conference on network technologies & communications. NTC 2010. Phuket , Thailand..
In: Proceedings of the 10th IEEE mediterranean conference on control and automation - MED2002. Lisboa.
AUTOMATICA, 38 (4)., pp. 655-669.
In: 19th International symposium on mathematical theory of networks and systems. MTNS 2010. Budapest, 2010..
Veszprémi Egyetemi Kiadó, Veszprém, pp. 150.
In: MED 2010. 18th Mediterranean conference on control and automation. Marrakech, 2010..
In: 15th triennial world congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control. Barcelona.
In: 11th mini conference on vehicle system dynamics, identification and anomalies. Proceedings. VSDIA 2008. Budapest, 2008..
In: Proceedings of the 41st IEEE conference on decision and control. Las Vegas.
In: Proceedings of the American control conference. Anchorage.