B-prepared builds on a freely accessible massive collaborative knowledge base and data hub, demonstrating its usefulness via three demonstrator applications: a cooperative multiplayer VR serious game, simulating real disaster scenarios for the safest...
With new hardware and artificial intelligence against skin cancer: The aim of the iToBoS project is to train an AI system able to integrate information from different sources, assessment of individual moles while considering the specific...
Knowledge graphs have become the most important tools of sharing and connecting research or industry information and contacts. These graphs enable, in a flexible way, the access, use and publication of data as a distributed system. Due to the...
The main, overall objective of the project is to establish the Centre of Excellence in Production Informatics and Control (EPIC CoE) as a leading, internationally acknowledged focus point in the field of cyber-physical production systems. The main...
Industry 4.0 Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence
Department in charge
Progressive and well scheduled building of bridges between the physical and digital worlds, a special readiness for innovative adaptation, answers to challenges in a prompter way than any time before, including bold steps to be made concerning...
The COURAGE project is exploring the methods for cultural opposition in the socialist era (cc. 1950-1990). We are building a database of historic collections, persons, groups, events and sample collection items using a fully linked data solution with...
The European manufacturing industry is facing challenges in terms of adaptability, flexibility and vertical integration. The SYMBIO-TIC project adresses these important issues towards a safe, dynamic, intuitive and cost effective working environment...
The objective of the Share-PSI 2.0 Thematic Network is to bring together a very broad range of stakeholders in the re-use of public sector information and to help them reach consensus on technical standards, complementing existing and ongoing...
ChaosFire is an innovative experiment executed in the frame of the 1st Open Call of the Fed4FIRE. Following the succesful comnpletion of KOPFire as part of BonFIRE, ChaosFire is DSD's second Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE) project...
The HEXAA project includes a detailed study on present applications of Attribute Authorities (AA), and profound research on the legal and policy aspects. Realizing the problem of the limited attribute set that can be provided by real life Identity...
A NextGeneration projekt célja a tudományos folyóirat, és ezzel összhangban, a tudományos publikáció fogalma új generációjának (többrétegű tudományos publikáció, új generációs tudományos folyóirat) megteremtése, a szükséges paradigmatikus váltás...
A Tolmácskesztyű projekt célja egy olyan innovatív, intelligens segédeszköz megalkotása, melynek segítségével a beszéd- és halláskárosult emberek a mindennapi életben képesek kapcsolatot teremteni ép embertársaikkal úgy, hogy az mindkét fél számára...