The development, publication and operation of multi- platform (iOS and Android) smartphone application for the demonstration of the memorial points of Pop Historical Educational Path of Tamás Cseh Programme . The " Points of Remembrance " of the...
Our department develops a 2-camera vision system within the MTA-SZTAKI ISAAC internal project, which system can detect and track a small UAV in real-time on the Sindy aircraft. The system can also identify dangerous approaches. Many algorithmic...
MTA SZTAKI, EMI Laboratory has started a 24 month long, EUREKA international R&D&I cooperation project under the acronym: INTRO4.0 , on the 1st of April, 2016. Due to the international EUREKA project class, the national partners prepare cooperation...
The VISION project is a European-Japanese collaborative research project. To enhance air transport safety, the main objective of the project is to validate smarter technologies for aircraft guidance, navigation and control (GN&C) by including...
In the framework of the several decade long successful cooperation between MTA SZTAKI and the MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd., SZTAKI is providing independent expert assistance in the preparation and execution of the I&C refurbishment projects of...
The COURAGE project is exploring the methods for cultural opposition in the socialist era (cc. 1950-1990). We are building a database of historic collections, persons, groups, events and sample collection items using a fully linked data solution with...
Started in January 2016, the EXCELL project (Actions for Excellence in Smart Cyber-Physical Systems applications through exploitation of Big Data in the context of Production Control and Logistics) foresees the collaboration of researchers from four...
STREAMLINE will address the competitive advantage needs of European online media businesses (EOMB) by delivering fast reactive analytics suitable in solving a wide array of problems, including addressing customer retention, personalized...
Alternative machine learning models in financial customer knowledge
Department in charge
Our goal is to overcome the present state of the art (decision trees, logistic regression) in analyzing customer behavior and predicting risks for bank customers. We emphasize the deployment of open source analytics software. Our partner is OTP Bank.
SCOPIA: Development of software supported clinical devices based on endoscope technology The project SCOPIA launched in October 2015 has got the overall aim to strengthen research and development in the field of healthcare industry, to make use of...