Completeness inspection is an important step in industrial assembly processes. It is usually an end-of-line inspection to check whether any parts are missing and whether they are correctly positioned and assembled. Completeness inspection with...
The SHIWA project's main goal is to leverage existing workflow based solutions and enable cross-workflow and inter-workflow exploitation of DCIs by applying both coarse- and fine-grained strategies. The coarse-grained (CG) approach enables to combine...
EDGI will develop middleware that consolidates the results achieved in the EDGeS project concerning the extension of Service Grids with Desktop Grids (DGs) in order to support European Grid Initiative (EGI) and National Grid Initiative user...
The FP7 EDGeS project has successfully set up a production-level distributed computing infrastructure (DCI) consisting of more than 100.000 PCs from several volunteer and low-cost Desktop Grids, which have been connected to existing Service Grids...
As a result of the CrossMedia project, researchers of MTA SZTAKI created a new testbed to support media retrieval research activities. The platform consists of a portal providing domain-specific functionality, collaborative features and a multimodal...
ManuCyte focuses on the development of an intelligent, modular manufacturing platform for flexible, patient-specific cell production which will increase efficiency of personalised cell production in terms of quality, throughput, and costs. This...
Our goal is to develop a prototype of a network service provider (ASP) system that supports distributed computing and advanced signal processing with a semantic search interface for data storage, processing, and service, and to carry out the...
A KOPI-Trans kutatási projekt célja olyan algoritmusok elkészítése, amelyek lehetővé teszik egy magyar szöveg angol fordításainak megtalálását, interneten vagy digitális könyvtárakban, gyűjteményekben.
The EGI-InSPIRE project (Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Researchers in Europe) started on 1 May 2010, co-funded by the European Commission (contract number: RI-261323) for four years, as a collaborative effort involving more...
To understand what is required to support new innovative Internet applications, a solid understanding of Internet content characteristics (size, distribution, form, structure, evolution, dynamic) is necessary. The LAWA project will build an Internet...