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Smart Framework for SME´s focused on Modern Industrial Technologies

Project data

€ 1.600.000

The core aim of the project „SMART FRAME“ is to sustainably improve the regional innovative framework in CENTRAL EUROPE by elaborating and distributing know-how in the fields of intermediary support, R&D co-operations, settlement and spin-offs. The challenge is bringing together the two worlds of innovation and technology institutes and creates a fruitful environment for entrepreneurship to be monitored by hard output facts.

Existing know-how, which is only transnationally available, will be brought together and distributed, new know-how elaborated based on several pilot actions and their evaluation. Results will be distributed to the broad public and a sustainable Network of the project partner will be set up. The project will focus on the most promising modern industrial technologies:

  1. materials
  2. surfaces
  3. technology orientated processes
  4. sensor-actors and
  5. integration of these technologies into products and production.

Within the project we will strengthen the existing technology-focused SME and increase the number of technology-focused SMEs by providing them a strong and attractive framework of technology structures and innovation networks for RTD activities and cooperations in highpotential fields of modern industrial technologies. Companies benefit from a better understanding of technology applications and a guided quick access to “technology infrastructure” (R&D providers, labs).


  • The Business Agency of Lower Austria Ltd. (ecoplus)
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
  • Lower Silesian Innovation and Science Park S.A. (DPIN)
  • Institute of Electron Technology (ITE)
  • South Moravian Innovation Centre (JIC)


Ádám Kisari, M.Sc.