László Keviczky, full member of HAS
head of the scientific council
+36 1 279 6184
1111 Budapest, Kende u. 13-17.
Room number
K 110
László Keviczky graduated with a Higher Education Honors Degree (Red Degree) from the Electrical Engineering Faculty of the Technical University of Budapest (TUB) in 1968.
Positions held
- research professor, MTA SZTAKI (Institute for Computer Science and Control) from 1999
- Vice-President, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), 1999-2005
- Secretary General, HAS 1993-1999
- Director, MTA SZTAKI, 1986-1993
- Head of the Process Control Department, MTA SZTAKI, 1981-1985
- Research Fellow 1968-1981, Honorary Professor 1981-1993, Full Professor 1994-2015, Professor Emeritus from 2015, Dept of Automation and Applied Informatics, BUTE
- Professor, Dept. of Informatics 2002-2015; Professor Emeritus from 2015, Head of the Multidisciplinary Doctor School of the Technical Sciences Faculty 2002-2015, Head of the Faculty of Informatics 2002-2011, Széchenyi István University, Győr
Studies and degrees
- Doctor degree of TUB, System Identification, 1970
- Candidate of the Technical Sciences HAS, Design of Regression Experiments, 1974
- Doctor of Technical Sciences HAS, Adaptive Control, 1980
- Corresponding Member of HAS, 1985
- Member of the Hungarian Engineering Academy, 1991
- Foreign Member, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), 1991
- Full Member of HAS, 1993
- Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, 1993
- Foreign member, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2005
English and Russian.
Research fields
- system identification and parameter estimation
- robust and adaptive optimal control systems of industrial processes
- simulation and modeling
- nonlinear, intelligent and expert control systems
- Procedure for optimal control of closed-loop grinding processes, 172457/1978
- Block-scheme for the self-adaptive control of the raw material blending, 175835/1980
Scholarships and foreign invitations
- UNO-UNESCO scholarship, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden, 4 months, 1979
- Visiting Professor, Head of NSF project, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 1979-80
- Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 3 months, 1986
- Medal of Merit of Higher Education, 1968
- Frigyes Csáki Medal, 1989
- László Kalmár Medal, 1989
- Outstanding Service Award, Int. Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 1990
- MTESZ Medal, 1992
- Ottó Benedikt Medal, 1995
- Dénes Gabor Award, 2000
- Honorary Citizen of Ráckeve Town, 2000
- Széchenyi State Prize, 2004
- Cross of Merit of the Republic of Hungary, 2010
- Polak Distuinguished Lecturer, Technion, 2015
In international and foreign scientific bodies
- IFAC Application Committee, 1981-1990 (Vice-Chairman: 1981-1984; Chairman: 1984-1990)
- IFAC Technical Board, 1984-1990 (Vice-Chairman: 1990-1993)
- IFAC Council Member, 1993-1999
- IFAC Application Paper Prize Committee (Chairman: 1990-1993)
- IFAC Awards Committee (Chairman: 1996-1999)
- IFAC Election Committee (Chairman: 1996-1999)
- IFAC Policy Committee (Vice-Chairman: 1999-2002; Chairman: 2002-2005)
- Associate Editor of IFAC Journal AUTOMATICA, 1987-1993
- Member of the TC on Control in IMACS
- Editorial Board of Journal on Modeling and Simulation
- Editorial Board of Journal on Control Systems Archives
- Editorial Board of Journal on Computers and Electrical Engineering
- Editorial Board on Journal on Scientific Inquiry
- Senior Member of IEEE
- Grand Jury Member of European Achievements in Informatics and Innovations (EUROCASE), 1997-2008
- Executive Council Member, European Science Foundation (ESF), 1998-99
- Board of Governors, Joint Research Center JRC, EU, 1999-2011
- Grand Jury of Marie Curie Excellence Awards, 2003-2004
- Dénes Gábor International Award Committee, (chairman: 2003-2008)
- EUCA (European Control Association), (Chairman: 2009-2011)
In Hungarian Scientific Bodies and Organizations
- Hungarian Society of Measurement and Automation (MATE) (Co-Chairman: 1992-1996, Chairman: 1996-2000, Honorary Chairman: 2000-2012.)
- Advisory Committee for the minister of Science and Technology (OMFB), 1993-1994
- Scientific Council, Bay Zoltán Research Institute, 1994-2002
- Presidium, HAS, 1993-2008
- Council of Research Institutes, HAS (Chairman: 1993-1999)
- Committee of International Relations, HAS (Co-Chairman: 1993-1999; Chairman: 2003-2005)
- Committee of Ethics HAS from 2014
- Election Committee of HAS, from 2016
- Committee of the European Science Foundation ESF (Co-Chairman: 1993-1999)
- Computer Science and Automation Committee, HAS
- Committee of Informatics, HAS
- Board of the Hungarian National Science Foundation (OTKA) (1993-2002; Vice-Chairman: 1996-1999)
- Board of the State Committee of Technological Development OMFB, 1994-2000
- Board of the Széchenyi and Kossuth State Prize Committee, 1996-2000, 2006-2008
- Sub-Committee in Technical Sciences and Engineering, Széchenyi and Kossuth State Prize Committee, 2008-2011
- National Committee of Atomic Energy, 1993-1999
- Advisory Committee for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy of the Prime Minister (TTTT), 2003-2006
- Research and Innovation Committee of the Hungarian Parliament, 2007-2010
- Monitoring Board of the National Development Plan, 2003-2005
- Hungarian Accreditation Board of Higher Education (MAB), 2005-2010
- MAB Committee on Doctoral Schools and Professorial Degrees, 2005-2010
- MAB Committee on Informatics and EE, (Chairman, 2005-2010)
- IFAC National Member Organization
- Hungarian Section of IEEE
- Chairman of the International Advisory Board, Atomic Energy Research Institute of HAS, from 2010
- Hungarian Engineering Academy from 1991
- IEEE Hungarian Section from 1991
Educational activities
Undergraduate and graduate courses at the Dept. of Automation and Applied Informatics, BUTE
- Process modeling and identification
- Hypermedia systems and applications
- Control systems
Undergraduate, graduate and PhD courses at the Dept of Informatics, Széchenyi Istvan University, Győr
- Multimedia
- Computer graphics
- Control systems
- Adaptive systems
Supervisions in Engineering Informatics at BSc and MSc levels
- Head of the Multidisciplinary Doctor School, Faculty of Technical Sciences, SZE, Győr
- Consulting and supervising graduate, postgraduate students and PhD schoolars
Main projects
- Scientific and Industrial Cooperation with Krupp-Polysius
- Hungarian Investigator of the First Joint Research Project between Hungary and NSF, USA (1977-1981), (1982-1985)
- Head of the First Project between Hungary and ARO (US Army Research Office) (1992-1994)
- 480 scientific papers
- Citations: 1108
- H-index: 15
Publication databases
Publications and citations can be found in the Hungarian Scientific Bibliography Database.