Botond Kádár, Ph.D.
+36 1 279 6217
+36 1 466 7503
1111 Budapest, Kende u. 13-17.
Room number
K 012
Born: September 23, 1969, Kolozsvár
Marital status: married, 4 children
- PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering, BME, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2002
- Business Economics, Budapest University of Economic Sciences, 1997
- MSc. Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing Technology, Technical University of Budapest, 1993
Fields of interest
- Production planning and scheduling, management of complexity, changes and disturbances in complex production structures, intelligent manufacturing processes and systems, distributed production systems, digital factories, virtual enterprises, modelling, simulation and optimisation of production systems, application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in manufacturing
Current position, employment record
- Senior Researcher at Computer and Automation Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, since 2002
- Researcher at Computer and Automation Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1998-2002
- Research Associate at Computer and Automation Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1994-1998
- PhD Student, Junior Research Fellow, 1994-1997
- IT Specialist. Technical University of Budapest, 1993-1994
- Recipient of the Bolyai János scholarship, 2003-2006
- Recipient of Hungarian Academy of Sciences Award for Best Junior Scientists, 2003
- Recipient of the Bolyai János scholarship, 1999-2002
- Recipient of the PhD Candidate Award 1st place, 1997
- Recipient of the SZTAKI Award for Best Junior Scientists, 1995 and 1997
Recent industrial and research projects
- 2008-2009 HITACHI production control modeling project, project manager
- 2008 Robert Bosch Hungary, Quality Management and Logistics projects, project manager.
- 2008 AUDI Motor Hungary, Simulation project, project manager.
- 2007 Robert Bosch Hungary, Logistics project, project manager.
- 2006-2009 DiFac (Digital Factory for for Human-Oriented Production System), Sixth Framework Project of the EU, Hungarian project manager.
- 2005-2007 Collplexity (Collaborative Complexity, Collaborations as Complex Systems), Sixth Framework Project of the EU, participant and co-manager of SZTAKI.
- 2005-2007 Valósidejű válallatok, NKFP 2., Cluster manager.
- 2005-2007 Elosztott, moduláris termelési struktúrák modellezése, tervezése és irányítása, OTKA, participant
- 2001-2004 MPA (Modular Plant Architecture), Fifth Framework Project of the EU, GRD3-2001-60064, Hungarian project manager.
- 2000-2003 Digitális vállalatok, termelési hálózatok, NKFP.
- 2000-2002 VIMIMS (Virtual Institute for the Modelling of Industrial Manufacturing Systems), CP-1-2000-1-IT-MINERVA-ODL, Hungarian project manager.
- Participated and managed several IT software development and consultancy projects High experience in modelling and simulation of complex logistics and manufacturing systems Programming in high-level languages and web-based application development Consulting and project management experience for Hungarian companies
Language skills
- Mother tongue: Hungarian; intermediate: English, Romanian, lower grade: German
Publication activity
- Author or co-author of 87 publications, out of these 11 published in refereed journals. Publications mostly contributed to the distributed manufacturing architecture field. His known, independent citations are over 130, including about 100 from foreign authors. The number of presentation held on international conferences and seminars are over 20.