Informative News

The faculty councils reasoning was Monostori’s “several decades of valuable and internationally appreciated research on cyber-physical manufacturing systems and widespread implementation of its results”.
On the 22nd of October 2020, SZTAKI’s researchers held a beginner’s course about the research and science cloud service ELKH Cloud in front of more than 120 attendees, gaining a huge amount of attention. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, visitors joined online.
Work on Hungary’s Artificial Intelligence Strategy is finished, announced László Palkovics, minister of innovation and technology on the 8th of September 2020.
A SZTAKI idén elnyerte a DreamJobs állásportál által alapított Szerethető Munkahelyek Díjat. Intézetünket 500 nevező közül választották a TOP125 szerethető munkahely, illetve a TOP100 szerethető kis- és középvállalat (kkv) közé. 
Researchers of SZATKI participate in the Horizon 2020 AIDPATH project that aims to facilitate the so-called CAR-T therapies tailored to individual patients by using the cutting-edge achievements in artificial intelligence as well as production planning and scheduling techniques. The results are expected to be utilized in hematology, oncology, and handling various contagious and immune diseases.  
Led by SZTAKI, a 21-member EU project will be launched to make European production systems and supply chains more flexible. The goal is to help the shift from general production to medical devices if a pandemic or a further wave of COVID-19 requires so.
The Bolyai János Research Fellowship, awarded by the Board of Trustees of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), was won by Róbert Lovas, Deputy Director of SZTAKI for three years.  The topic of his research is: "Cloud orchestration methods supported by neural networks in cyber-physical systems". His work was among the 5 best applications submitted in the field of technical sciences.
Our lives are becoming increasingly digital. Year by year, we conduct more and more our activities online. Nowadays, we can buy and sell goods online. We consume advertisements and movies online. We work, make friends and maintain our relationships with our loved ones online. Really soon, our money will also become digital. However, digitizing money comes with a lot of difficulties.
Researchers at the János Szentágothai Research Center of the University of Pécs have been investigating the genetic changes of the pathogenic SARS-COV-2 virus since the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic. With the analysis of the data and the IT support of SZTAKI, the evolution of the virus could be deciphered and it could be shown how it spread in Hungary.
The largest virtual reality community in Europe (XR4ALL) has selected ApertusVR as a recommended VR framework. SZTAKI's software innovation will be the fundamental of future VR applications by the developers of XR4ALL.

The SZTAKI (Institute for Computer Sciences and Control) and the Wigner Research Centre for Physics (Wigner FK) offer thousands of processors and terabytes of the computing power of their own cloud computing capacity integrated with MTA Cloud (the Hungarian Research Cloud) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For the first time (but certainly not the last time), EPIC InnoLabs Nonprofit Kft. and the German-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce & Industry organized a joint interactive World Café event on March 3, 2020, at the headquarters of SZTAKI.
The Department of Distributed Systems (DSD) of SZTAKI that has been playing a pioneering role in several fields, like the introduction and adoption of World Wide Web (WWW) technologies in Hungary, was established 25 years ago, in 1994. On this occasion, we present some outstanding projects from the past.
We held the 4th transnational meeting on production virtualization for higher education in SZTAKI. In partnership with the Tallinn University of Technology, Politecnico di Milano, Chalmers University of Technology and The National Research Council Italy we developing a new digital toolkit which will help to bring back to the engineering students the results of research activities in the field of digital manufacturing. This new digital toolkit will be evolved and developed within the Virtual Learning Factory Toolkit Erasmus+ project.

COURAGE project, completed with the international cooperation of 12 participants, received a Special Mention at the Heritage in Motion competition. The Award Ceremony held in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on 20th September celebrated the best multimedia projects and achievements that aim the preservation of Europe's cultural heritage.

Those who were interested could attend the event „Robots at fingertips” in Győr at SZTAKI’s Industry 4.0 Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence.
The augmented and virtual reality technologies are already well known in the game and entertainment industry. Nevertheless, the potential of these technologies could offer a lot to other industrial segments like production engineering. Therefore, augmented and virtual reality technologies more often used for increasing the profitability. However, the possibilities of the integration into any industrial software system just currently forming - SZTAKI is one of the pioneer.
His Excellency, Mr. Volkmar Wenzel, Ambassador of Germany in Budapest and Mrs. Krisztina Hodosiné Márton, Counsellor for Science, Environment and Agriculture at the Embassy of Germany in Budapest paid a visit to the Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI) on July 16, 2019.
A mobile phone contains numerous sensors, which can perform tricky measurements. The results of these measurements can be used in exciting applications either in the real or in the virtual world. Important target field of these apps is the health monitoring, fitness, and the corresponding physiological measurements. In this application area, SZTAKI has developed a non-contact pulse monitoring system that can measure the heart rate of a human or an animal with a single camera.
W3C Hungarian Office, hosted by MTA SZTAKI joins to celebrate 30th anniversary of the web.