Paul Van den Hof was awarded with the Rudolf Kálmán Prize
The Rudolf Kálmán Prize, founded by HUN-REN SZTAKI, was awarded to Prof. Dr. Ir. Paul Van den Hof during the symposium "Four decades of data-driven modeling in systems and control – achievements and prospects", held at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), where he gave the valedictory lecture. Prof. Dr. József Bokor, Director of Research at HUN-REN SZTAKI, and Prof.Dr. Roland Tóth, Senior Research Fellow at the institute’s Systems and Control Lab, also gave presentations at the symposium.
The Rudolf Kálmán Prize was presented by Prof. Dr. József Bokor, Director of Research of HUN-REN SZTAKI. Paul Van den Hof is Full Professor of the Control Systems (CS) Group at the Department of Electrical Engineering.
He obtained an MSc from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in 1982 and a PhD from there in 1989. He started work at Delft University of Technology in 1986, where he was appointed as Full Professor in 1999. He was the founding co-director of the Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC), with appointments in the faculty of Mechanical, Maritime, and Materials Engineering, and the faculty of Applied Sciences. In 2011, he was appointed Full Professor at the Electrical Engineering Department of TU/e. From 2005-2015, he was Scientific Director of the National Research and Graduate School Dutch Institute of Systems and Control (DISC), and National Representative of the Dutch NMO in IFAC.
The prize is named after Rudolf Kálmán, an electrical engineer and inventor who passed away in 2016. As a child, he fled to the United States with his family in 1943 to escape World War II, and settled there. Kálmán graduated from MIT in 1954 and received his PhD from Columbia University in 1957. In addition to the highest American honors and international recognition, he was proud of his honorary membership of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and his association with HUN-REN SZTAKI, where he gave several lectures and held an office until his passing.