HUN-REN SZTAKI researchers to present at first day of IMEKO World Congress 2024
On 26 August 2024, first day of the IMEKO World Congress 2024, two researchers from HUN-REN SZTAKI, János Nacsa and Zsolt János Viharos, senior researchers of the Engineering and Management Intelligence Research Laboratory, held presentations about the portrait drawing robot that is also exhibited at the conference.
The IMEKOXXIV World Congress is being held in Hamburg from 26 to 29 August 2024, and HUN-REN SZTAKI participates as an exhibitor while two researchers of the institute also gave presentations during the afternoon sessions of the first day. With more than a thousand registered participants, HUN-REN SZTAKI's portrait drawing robot is also on display: visitors can request their own drawing, which can be done with a marker picked up by the robot arm or even with graphite pencil - the latter technique is based on etching, the first time it has been featured at a public event.
The conference launched with a ceremonial opening, during which the President of IMEKO, Frank Härtig, spoke about the achievements of the organisation and its current situation. In his speech, the President pointed out that registrations had come from more than seventy countries, from Australia to China and Brazil. Härtig was followed by Eva Gümbel, State Secretary for Science and Research, who welcomed the visitors and spoke briefly about the importance of science and IMEKO. The final keynote speech of the first day was given by Wynand Louw, President of the International Committee on Weights and Measures (CIMP). Louw spoke about the challenges ahead for metrology, explaining that the next milestone will be to reform the measurement of time.
The afternoon sessions featured presentations from researchers from around the world. Zsolt János Viharos presented on artificial intelligence solutions for the drawing robot.
János Nacsa talked about robotic solutions and challenges, including the importance of proper lighting.
Photos of the first day are available on the institute's Facebook page by clicking here.
The International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) is an international, scientific organisation covering the complete range of measurement, which has 41 official country members from all over the world. IMEKO members present their scientific results at conferences in 25 different subfields every year. The sub-areas (TCs, Technical Committees) decide when and where to organize their annual conference, except for the world conference every 3 years, in such a year, IMEKO members come together in one place in the world. The 2027 congress will be held in Intaly.