In: International workshop on descriptional complexity of automata, grammars and related structures. Preproceedings. Preprint Nr. 17. Magdeburg, 1999..
Grammar systems with bounded resources: on size complexity of grammar systems
In: Képfeldolgozók és alakfelismerok 2. konferenciája. (Second conference of the Hungarian Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society.) Noszvaj, 2000..
Futási eredmények az analogikai CNN-UM vizuális mikroprocesszorokon
Some novel capabilities of CNN. Game of life and examples of multipath algorithms. (Reseach report of the Dual and Neural Computing Systems Laboratory DNS-3-1992.)
In: VIGTA '13 Proceedings of the International Workshop on Video and Image Ground Truth in Computer Vision Applications, 2013-07-15, Szentpétervár, Oroszország.
Evaluation of Manually Created Ground Truth for M ulti-view People Localization