Existing research mostly focuses on pre-optimising algorithms, which are not applicable to already available VM images. With its VM synthesiser, ENTICE will extend pre-optimising approaches so that image dependency descriptions are mostly...
The sense and avoid (S&A) capability is crucial for the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). It is due to the necessity of integrating civilian and governmental UAVs into the common airspace. In a S&A scenario, the ego-UAV is the observer, which...
The Agrodat.hu project aims to establish an agricultural knowledge centre and decision support system based on data gathered by an innovative, complex sensor system and from international open repositories. The new research infrastructure and service...
The CloudSME project will develop a cloud-based, one-stop-shop solution providing a scalable platform for small or larger scale simulations, and enable the wider take-up of simulation technologies in manufacturing and engineering SME’s. The CloudSME...
Main objective is to involve and engage in long-term significantly more citizens and new communities in the volunteer and private (campus-wide or enterprise) Distributed Computing Infrastructures by supporting the rapid creation, efficient operation...
A NextGeneration projekt célja a tudományos folyóirat, és ezzel összhangban, a tudományos publikáció fogalma új generációjának (többrétegű tudományos publikáció, új generációs tudományos folyóirat) megteremtése, a szükséges paradigmatikus váltás...
Society has reached a point of no return, one that leaves us completely reliant on omnipresent ICT-mediated communication. Mobile and sensor-rich portable devices connect millions of humans with petabytes of data and numerous on-line services...
The ER-flow project's aim is to build a European Research Community to promote workflow sharing and to investigate interoperability of the scientific data in workflow sharing. The project will disseminate the achievements of the FP7 SHIWA project...
A BonFIRE projekt egy több helyszínű felhő federációt fejleszt a FIRE számára, amely alkalmazások, szolgáltatások és rendszerek kutatását támogatja a K+F teljes életciklusában.
The aim of the Networking Activities from the agINFRA project is to foster a culture of cooperation between the agricultural scientific communities benefiting from research infrastructures and help develop a more efficient and attractive European...
The SCI-BUS project aims to ease the life of e-Scientists by creating a new science gateway customisation methodology based on the generic-purpose gUSE/WS-PGRADE portal family. The customised science gateways will enable scientists to focus on their...
The SHIWA project's main goal is to leverage existing workflow based solutions and enable cross-workflow and inter-workflow exploitation of DCIs by applying both coarse- and fine-grained strategies. The coarse-grained (CG) approach enables to combine...