The primary project objective is to develop an ICT framework, which enables software and service providers (SMEs, RESs, INDs) to generate and establish open, extensible and reconfigurable development platforms for Web-Service applications.
The DELOS network intends to conduct a joint program of activities aimed at integrating and coordinating the ongoing research activities of the major European teams working in Digital Library - related areas with the goal of developing the next...
KOPI Online Plagiarism Search and Information Portal. The goal of the project is to develope an online plagiarism-search portal, that helps both digital libraries to protect their documents and for teachers, professors to find copied work or...
The objective of the project is to interconnect the Hungarian digital libraries on the basis of the Open Archive Initiative (OAI), and to expose them to the international OAI network. Using te OAI's protocol, several digital metadata repositories...
A W3C-t 1994. októberében alapították azzal a céllal, hogy elősegítsék a Webben rejlő lehetőségek minél teljesebb kihasználását olyan közös számítógépes protokollok kidolgozásával, amelyek előremozdítják a Web fejlődését és garantálják széleskörű...
New Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are present in all areas of society and public administration. Nowadays, the relations between citizens and public administration are characterised by the increasing use of electronic procedures...
The central objective of the CORES project is to encourage the sharing of metadata semantics. CORES will address the need to reach consensus on a data model for declaring semantics of metadata terms in a machine-readable way. Consensus on the ground...
The aim of the project is to enhance distributed systems and applications with a generic and standardised supervision solution and nurture its practical implementation and multi-sector exploitation as a key enabler for the competitiveness of European research and industry.
VoiceXML is a standardisation effort for telephony based IVR (interactive voice repsonse) applications, such as voice mailboxes, ticket reservation, car sharing, chat or payment services, etc. PublicVoiceXML is both the name of a software package and...
StreamOnTheFly is about offering a personalised community radio program with collaborative filtering agents and bandwidth sensitive streaming. StreamOnTheFly will demonstrate new ways of management and personalisation technologies for audio content...
EUTIST-AMI, funded by European Union, is constituted by 13 application projects that are testing the benefits and the potential of agent and middleware technologies applied in real industrial environments. To sustain competition and face the global...
The DELOS Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries is an initiative funded by the European Commission's Information Society Technologies 5th Framework Programme (IST-FP5). Its objectives are to improve the effectiveness of European research in this...