Project data
External identifier
€ 950.000
Department in charge
The DELOS Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries is an initiative funded by the European Commission's Information Society Technologies 5th Framework Programme (IST-FP5). Its objectives are
- to improve the effectiveness of European research in this emerging domain,
- to provide a forum where researchers and practitioners can exchange ideas and experiences
- to facilitate take-up of DL technologies
- to promote international cooperation in the DL research domain
DSD is actively participating in the DELOS Working Group 2.1 on digital library evaluation and testing.
DELOS Working Group 2.1 homepage: http://www.sztaki.hu/delos_wg21/
- AHDS, United Kingdom
- AUE, Denmark
- AUT, Greece
- BBC, United Kingdom
- BN, Portugal
- CAC, Spain
- Cervantes, Spain
- CiBit, Italy
- CNR, Italy
- CWI, The Netherlands
- DCA, Ireland
- DEI, Italy
- DIB, Italy
- dit-UPM, Spain
- DSI, Italy
- EIT, Switzerland
- Elsevier, United Kingdom
- ERCIM, France
- ETHZ, Switzerland
- Exeter, United Kingdom
- Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Germany
- FORTH, Greece
- FORWISS, Germany
- GRINBD, Spain
- ICCU, Italy
- ICOM, Greece
- INESC, Portugal
- INRIA, France
- IONIO, Greece
- IPI RAS, Russian Federation
- ISIS, The Netherlands
- ITC-irst, Italy
- IZ, Germany
- LRI, France
- MBAC, Italy
- MICC, Italy
- MTA SZTAKI, Hungary
- MU, Czech Republic
- MUSIC/TUC, Greece
- NDC, Greece
- NTNU, Norway
- OEAW, Austria
- POLIMI, Italy
- SICS, Sweden
- Springer, Germany
- Strathclyde, United Kingdom
- telos, Germany
- TNO-TPD, The Netherlands
- TU, Austria
- UKOLN, United Kingdom
- UNED, Spain
- UniDo, Germany
- UOA, Greece
- UoC, Greece
- UOC, Spain
- UNI MA, Germany
- UT/CTIT, The Netherlands