In addition to the high-level pursuit of basic and applied research at our institute, we also have a strong tradition of extensive publication activities, education, and methodology development. Our colleagues not only teach at universities and serve on the editorial boards of the most significant international journals in the research areas of SZTAKI, but they also regularly write and edit professional books.
A list of selected scientific articles authored by the institute's staff can be found here, and below is a list of books authored and edited by our experts from 1993 to the present.
Németh B. - Gáspár P.
Control of Variable-Geometry Vehicle Suspensions: Design and Analysis
Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023. 176 p. (Advanced in Industrial Control)
Publication year
Csató L.
Paradoxonok a sportversenyek szabályaiban
Budapest: Typotex Kiadó, 2023. 218 p.
Publication year
Kornai A.
Vector Semantics
Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023. 289 p. (Cognitive Technologies)
Publication year
Gáspár P, Szabó Z, Bokor J, Németh B.
Robust Control Design for Active Driver Assistance Systems
Cham: Springer, 2017. 293 p. (Advanced in Industrial Control)
Publication year
Kacsuk P, Fahringer T, Németh Z. (szerk.)
Distributed and parallel systems from cluster to grid computing
New York: Springer, 2007. 222 p.
Publication year
Szabó, P. - Markót, M. - Csendes, T. - Specht, E. - Casado, L. - García, I.
New approaches to circle packing in a square with program codes