Virág Bodor
project manager
+36 1 279 6220
1111 Budapest, Kende u. 13-17.
Room number
K 111
Having obtained an MA in Liberal Arts, I also obtained a Diploma in Journalism and one in Online Marketing. Then I worked as a journalist for ten years. Apart from my mother-tongue, I speak English, German and French.
I wrote a number of R&D project proposals and gained financial support for many of these. Then successfully managed the resulting projects (e.g., FP7 and H2020 projects).
From mid-2015 I work for SZTAKI. Here my main duties involve the management of international R&D projects (mostly H2020 ones) and the organization of related meetings and scientific events. From 2021 on I am also involved in the development and management of national Research and Development porjects as well.