Katalin Hangos
Prof. Katalin Hangos has an interdisciplinary background that includes MSc degrees in both chemistry and computer science, a PhD in chemical engineering, a DSc in process sytems engineering, and two habilitations (in chemical engineering and in engineering informatics). She is one of the very few female professors in process systems and control, who has a stong interdisciplinary background in systems and control theory and computer science, as well.
Her main research interest lies in dynamic modelling of process systems for for control and diagnostic purposes, in dynamic analysis and control of smooth nonlinear systems, in model-based diagnosis based on discrete event and intelligent methods. She is a co-author of three books and of more than 100 papers on various aspects of modelling and control of process systems with nonlinear, stochastic, Petri net, qualitative and graph theory based models.
She is a full professor at the University of Pannonia actively involved in PhD education. More than 15 PhD students have obtained their degrees under her supervision.
Personal sceientific home page
- research professor, Systems and Control Laboratory, SZTAKI
- full professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems, University of Pannonia
- MSc in chemistry, Lorand Eotvos University, 1976
- BSc in computer science, Lorand Eotvos University, 1980
- PhD in chemical engineering, Scientific Accreditation Board, 1984
- DSc in process systems engineering, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1994
Research Areas
- modelling and model analysis of process systems
- nonlinear dynamics and control
- model-based diagnosis using discrete event and intelligent methods
Memberships, Assignments
- Scientific Committee of Information Technology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, member
- Doctoral and Habilitation Committe of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, member
- Doctoral and Habilitation Committe of the Doctoral School of Information Technology of the University of Pannonia, member
- IFAC Technical Committee on Chemical Process Control, member
- International Journal of Process Systems Engineering, area editor
Educational Activity
- University of Pannonia
- Computer Controlled Systems (MSc course, 2 hours/week, lecture)
- Model-based Diagnosis using Discrete Methods (BSc course, 2 hour/week, lecture)
- Parameter Estimation of Dynamic Systems (MSc course, 2 hours/week, lecture)
- Intelligent Control Systems (MSc course, 2 hours/week, lecture)
Selected projects
- Model-based analysis and diagnosis of nonlinear systems using first principles (OTKA-K83440) (2011-2015)
- Model-based methods are proposed in this project to solve research problems in dynamic analysis and diagnosis of nonlinear systems integrating thermodynamics and engineering sciences with systems and control theory. The methods explore and utilize the structure of the dynamic state-space models using first engineering principles.
The proposed research is organized into the following topics.
1. Physically meaningful realizations of positive nonlinear systems and their use in stability analysis: optimal realizations of, and embedding into reaction kinetic form, stability and structural stability
2. Nonlinear system parameter estimation based on optimization: quantum state and process tomography based on convex optimization, parameter estimation in hybrid systems
3. Structure estimation of discrete event systems using process mining: fault isolation and reaction pathway detection
4. Qualitative model-based diagnosis of nonlinear systems: colored Petri net diagnosers
Results to be expected include yearly 2-3 papers in referred international journals, 2-3 papers and presentations on international conferences and altogether 3-4 PhD theses.