Zoltán Vén, M.Sc.
development engineer
+36 1 279 6139
+36 70 771 6554
1111 Budapest, Kende u. 13-17.
Room number
K 013
Personal Data
Born: July 28, 1978, Hungary
Civil status: married, 2 children
2006 - M.Sc. in Mechanical. Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
From 2008 - Ph.D. student in Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- 2001 BME Scientific Studentconference in the Energetics section: Examination and modelling of burning process in spark ignited engine, I. place
- 2002 BME Scientific Studentconference in the Technological processes section: Statistically examinations of indicatordiagrams, I. place
- 2002 BME Scientific Studentconference in the Technological processes section: Statistically examinations of indicatordiagrams, surcharge from the Hungarian Electric Works Corporation
- 2003 Participation in the Territorial Scientific Studentconference with titles Examination and modelling of burning process in spark ignited engine, just as Statistically examinations of indicatordiagrams
- 2003 BME Scientific Studentconference in the Applied informatics section: Modular (scholastic) administration system, I. place
- 2003 BME Scientific Studentconference in the Applied informatics section: Modular (scholastic) administration system, Pro Progressio Award
- 2007 MTA SZTAKI Institute Prize
- 2013 MTA SZTAKI Institute Prize
2002 - Research Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence, Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Language skills
Mother tongue: Hungarian; medium-level: English, German