László Róbert Orzó, Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitae
László Orzó PhD
Contact Information:
Home: Visegrádi 13, Budapest, Hungary Phone: (+36-1) -7896271
Mobil: (+36-20)-9664710
Office: Computer and Automation Research Institute (CARI) Phone: (+36-1) -279-6000/ 7182
Kende 13-17, 1111, Budapest, Hungary Fax: (+36 1) -209-5264
E-Mail: orzo.laszlo@sztaki.mta.hu
Carrier objectives
To find a challenging position to meet my fields of interests, my competencies, capabilities, skills, education and experience.
Personal Information
Nationality: Hungarian
Resident of: Hungary
Birth date: 16 Sept, 1964
Gender: Male;
Marital status: Single
Professional Experience
DHM project: A color Digital Holographic Microscope is developed for water monitoring application. Parallel processing (using stream processors, GPU, CUDA) is applied to achieve real time reconstruction of the objects in the measured holograms.
COASLM project: A combined optically addressable spatial light modulator is constructed that merge the capabilities of a high speed CMOS sensor, a high performance LCD micro display with FPGA based control and real time processing. The developed device performance is higher than any contemporary competitors. It is to implement affordable adaptive optics.
LAPTOP POAC project: Implementation of POAC, a programmable laptop sized optical correlator, using real time, parallel dynamic hologram recording and recall (using different wavelengths). An adaptive target tracking algorithm was proposed and implemented.
OptDocSec project: Simple optical security device is constructed, which is based on a pattern of properly positioned pseudo random diffractive elements which can be easily verified by matching an appropriate optical spatial filter (optical keys).
POAC project: Implementation of a Programmable Opto-electronic Analogic Computer. A new type of programmable optical correlator architecture.
Visual information processing and modeling: Reconstruction features of preprocessed nonlinearly tuned data, preprocessing effects on data compression.
Electrophysiology: Single cell recording from Tiger Salamander retinas (Frank Werblin’s Lab., MCB, UC Berkeley).
Modeling Neural Networks: Neural coding, Associative memories, Preprocessing, Noise tolerance.
PhD in Biology (Neurobiology), Eötvös Roland University Faculty of Sciences, Post Graduate School. In the Neurobiology of Behavior program, Budapest, 2000, Thesis: "Modeling some early steps of the brain information processing."
Diploma in Physics (Biophysics), Eötvös Roland University Faculty of Sciences, Budapest, 1984-89, Thesis: "Investigation of the P300 component of the evoked potential in cat".
Employment record
Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences - since 1999.
One year practice in electrophysiology at Frank Werblin’s laboratory, MCB department, UC. Berkeley, California (1993).
Neurobiology group of the SOTE-EKSZ, Hungarian Academy of Sciences - 1989-1999
Current position
Senior Research Fellow at Analogical & Neural Computing Systems Laboratory, Computer and Automation Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences - (since 1999)
Past positions
Senior Research Fellow (since 2001)
Research Fellow (1999-2000)
Junior Research Fellow (1989-99)
Fields of interest
Theoretical Neuroscience: Neural Networks, Neural code, Associative memories, Visual information processing, High Speed Image Processing, Optical Computing, Digital Holography.
Skill Level Years Practiced
MS Office (Word, PowerPoint, etc.)Intermediate 12
MATLAB Intermediate 9
DELPHI Intermediate 6
CUDA Intermediate 3
C++ Intermediate 3
HDL (Verilog, FPGA, Xilinx ISE). Intermediate 2
Language Level
Hungarian Native
English Expert
Russian Elementary
French Intermediate (Read)
Author or co-author of more than 25 publications, out of these 17 published in refereed journals or conference proceedings besides two patents.
Reference Relation Phone E-Mail
Elemér Lábos Neurobiology Group of SOTE-EKSZ 36-1-2156920 labos@sote.hu
Tamás Roska ANCL of CARI-HAS 36-1-2796151