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Distributed Knowledge Graphs (DKG) EU project launch with SZTAKI

Knowledge graphs have become the most important tools of sharing and connecting research or industry information and contacts. These graphs enable, in a flexible way, the access, use and publication of data as a distributed system.
Due to the increasing uptake of Knowledge Graph technologies, research and development communities face new challenges including the management of the ever-increasing scale and size of these graphs, maintaining quality of data and ensuring data security and privacy.

The Distributed Knowledge Graphs (DKG) EU COST project, starting in the fall of 2020 aims at creating knowledge graph technologies that are standard-based, meet the FAIR principles, open, maintain data privacy and enable decentralized publication of high quality data.

Participating in the project, SZTAKI Department of Distributed Systems (DSD) - based on its previous research on semantic web and linked data - is dealing with distributed knowledge graph application technologies and creating knowledge graph based web services.