The 2nd Plenary Meeting of the Platform
I4.0 National Technological Platform: The Presidium has been set up in full, the Work Groups have been offiicially formed.
The second plenary meeting of the Industry 4.0 National Technological Platform was held on the 11th October, 2016 at the Head Office of MTA SZTAKI. For this occasion the homepage of the Platform was completed and presented which is complemented by the INFO@HAND Ipar 4.0 mobile application which can be used in off-line mode. The event which was awaited with great interest weeks before, and was attended altogether by 99 registered participants representing the 43 members of the Platform and their experts delegated to the 7 Work Groups. The meeting was opened by Dr Laszlo Monostori , director of MTA SZTAKI and President of the Platform.
The attendees were given a summary by Mr Antal Nikodemus from the Ministry for National Economy about the expectations raised by the Government towards the Platform, the most relevant being the explicit request of Mr Istvan Lepsenyi, Secretary of State for Economy Development and Regulation, Ministry for National Economy to receive the first draft of the consultative document on the I4.0 industry development strategy of Hungary by the end of October. The goal is to elaborate a detailed breakdown of the Government’s Irinyi Plan enabling to implement efficiently this national industrial catch-up programme.
Another important issue on the agenda was to elect the still missing members of the Presidium the proposition for whom came from President Monostori. After the successful voting the completed Presidium has been set-up in the following composition: President is Laszló Monostori, permanent member is Secretary of State Mr István Lepsényi who is permanently represented by Dr Antal Nikodémus; the newly elected members are: István Ács (Bosch Rexroth, as representative of the members operating in the field of production), Andrea Némedi (SAP Hungary, as representative of the members operating in the field of informatics), Márk Petrik (Hepenix Kft., as representative of the SME members), Chafran Hassan (BME, as representative of the institutions of higher education) and Péter Vityi (IVSZ, as representative of the professional organisation members).
Following the election, the meetings of the official formation of the Work Groups took place according to the announced schedule. The leader of each Work Group has been elected, the work document, a set of theses on objectives and operation, distributed before, was discussed and a short term work plan accepted. Actual work has been started in some Groups nearly imminently, whereas in the others will start in the near future in order to accomplish the tasks adopted.