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László Monostori has been decorated with the Széchenyi Prize

The most prestigious state award in the field of sciences was handed over by János Áde r, President of Hungary in the presence of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on 15 March 2016, in the Cupola Hall of the Parliament Building.

According to the laudation, László Monostori , electrical engineer, corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, director of the Institute for Computer Science and Automation, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, professor at the Department of Manufacturing Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, has been awarded as a recognition for his school-founding scientific results based on his basic and applied research activity’s unique interdisciplinary embeddedness and for his fundamental achievements in the field of production informatics, which have contributed to the establishment of today’s modern manufacturing science, as well as for his work to foster R&D cooperation across the different industrial sectors and to translate the theoretical results into industrial practice and, at the same time, for his outstanding and successful science organisational and educational accomplishments aiming at bringing up new generations of scientists.