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Our library is a research library of nation-wide interest. More than 16000 volumes and 200 kinds of journals are available for readers. A major part of the literature is written in English, a smaller part in Hungarian, Russian and German. The fields of interest are:

  • pure and applied mathematics
  • artificial intelligence
  • decision systems
  • control theory
  • dual and neural systems
  • informatics
  • electronics
  • robotics and pattern recognition
  • control of manufacturing systems
  • control theory
  • geometric modelling
  • process control, etc.

Besides the above, works of history of science and philosophy too, can be found in our library.


On-line catalogue

Here you can find the HunTéka library system, where you can search among the books, journals, CDs, DVDs of the library

Publication lists of our researchers

Search for publications by SZTAKI.

OPAC collection

Hungarian bibliography collection , HUNOPAC


Journals are not for lending but, upon request and on payment, we can make photocopies of the necessary articles. Outsiders may read in the study and are allowed to lend books through inter-lending.

Opening times: M-Th 8:00-16:30, F 8:00-14:50

Suggested bibliographies

The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies

This is a collection of bibliographies of scientific literature in computer science from various sources, covering most aspects of computer science. The bibliographies are updated weekly from their original locations such that you'll always find the most recent versions here.

Computer Science Bibliography

Database systems and logic programming

Annotated Computer Vision Bibliography: Table of Contents

An annotated bibliography of references for computer vision including image processing and other related topics.

Bibliography of Grammar Systems

An annotated bibliography of Grammar Systems

About the library

Budapest, XI. Kende street 13-17.
2nd floor, room 205.
Postal address: HUN-REN SZTAKI Könyvtár
Pf 63, Budapest H-1518
Phone: +36 1 279 6162
Fax number: +36 1 466 7503
The staff: Eszter Nagy (
Emőke Polgár (
Virág Stossek (

Foreign background

Through the network we can search the catalogues of several Hungarian and foreign libraries (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Technical University of Budapest, Attila József University of Sciences in Szeged, American Library of Congress, etc.), furthermore, we provide a monthly choice from the journals of the Central Library of the Technical University of Budapest (American Journal of Physics, Circuits System and Signal Processing, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, etc.). To supplement data purpose, we can access the Catalogues of foreign Publishers (Kluwer, Prentice Hall, Oxford University Press, Academic Press, etc.).