Department in charge
The PC glasses contain the computer in a case with sunshield form which does not obstruct the view. There is a simplified user interface on its upper shield with four buttons for paging, searching and switching books, films and files stored in the memory. The display units located below the eye-level present a distant and large-size virtual image in the bottom part of the field of vision. The image can be viewed by glancing downwards at a comfortable reading angle; therefore, the horizontal view has no obstacle. If the full keyboard is needed, the PC-glasses can be controlled by using the touchscreen keyboard of our own smart phone through a Bluetooth connection. Besides the own contents, the PC-glasses can virtually present also the image on the display of our smart phone through a wireless connection. Therefore, we can watch the Internet contents (e-mails, news, YouTube videos, books, Wikipedia, films etc.) at a viewing angle similar to the one at the large screens of the desktop monitors instead of the tiny displays of the mobile phones.
Cortex Műszaki Fejlesztő Kft.
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Atomic Physics, Physical Optics
M.I.T.Systems Mobil Információ Technológia Fejlesztő Kft.
Hunagrain Academy of Science, Institute of Computer Science and Control, eLearning Department
C3D Műszaki Tanácsadó Kft.
K+F Kutatás-fejlesztési Tanácsadó Központ