Department in charge
The FP7 EDGeS project has successfully set up a production-level distributed computing infrastructure (DCI) consisting of more than 100.000 PCs from several volunteer and low-cost Desktop Grids, which have been connected to existing Service Grids (including EGEE, SEE-GRID, etc. with about 150.000 processors) based on the new 3G Bridge technology and application development methodology. The main aim of the DEGISCO project is the further extension of the European DCI infrastructure that is already interconnected by EDGeS to International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC) in strong collaboration with on the one hand local partners in ICPC countries and on the other hand European e-Infrastructure experts (including 3G Bridge know-how) and thus, reinforce the global relevance and impact of European distributed infrastructures. The dissemination and training activities will promote via various channels such interoperation between Desktop Grid and Service Grid infrastructures on a global scale, which leads to more awareness under the general public of computational science and distributed computing co-funded by the EC. As a result more citizens, students, and companies are expected to donate resources to scientific purposes. As part of these activities an International Desktop Grid Federation will be operated allowing for effective exchange of information through participation.
MTA SZTAKI (Project coordinator)
Academia Sinica
Atos Origin
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)
G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics
Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences Institute for Systems Analysis RAS (ISA RAS)
Kazakh-British Technical University
University of Westminster