Department in charge
SZTAKI Dictionary (SZTAKI Szótár) is the most popular Hungarian dictionary service with nearly 100.000 visitors a day, providing dictionaries in 7 languages (English, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Bulgarian). SZTAKI Dictionary started tp operate in 1995 and today is an infrastructural servcie for all foreign language learners and those in need of translating texts from or to Hungarian.
"SZTAKI Szótár 4.0" is the fourth generation of the dictionary service with a brand new architecture, visual layout and enriched dictionary content. The "new dictionary" provides both enhancements in its search services and a complete dictionary creation and management
infrastructure for authoring existing or new dictionaries.
The search facilities have been improved to allow zero-config searches. This means, that even if the users don't set any search parameters we try to find the best matching solution in the most probable language pairs. Later, of course, the searches can be enhanced by setting specific parameters, but there's usually no need for this thanks to the intelligent search and sorting algorithm. To make the dictionary experience even more attractive we enhanced the dictionary databases with features found in any paper based dictionary, including proper word form, part of speech, expressions and example sentences, written and audio pronunication.
With the changes in the dictionary backend we would like to encourage our users to create dictionaries, even small ones convering a niche topic in a given language. These small thematical dictionaries will add up and result in a full thematically rich dictionary in the given
language pairs.
Our hope is that all these changes will make SZTAKI Szótár a viable alternative to well established paper dictionaries.