Department in charge
This project aims at developing a prototype intelligent information system which allows doctors and nurses to have convenient access to patient data as well as to clinical guidelines specifying recommended actions to be taken in different clinical conditions. Patient data are stored in a multimedia medical record system organized around problems evolving and changing over time. Problem oriented medical records are linked to the patient follow up system containing information on cost and resource utilization associated with traumatology services. Controlling modules use data stored in the patient follow up system.
Traumatology guidelines are stored in the knowledge base of the intelligent information system. The formal description of these guidelines is generated by software robots converting guideline text into statement which computers can understand. The traumatology case base (as a repository of past experience) is also part of the system's knowledge base. The inference engine of the system takes patient data and is able to select the test and/or intervention according to guidelines instructions. The services of the information system are available via a reliable and efficient Intranet.
The computer system allows different patient data to be recorded and stored either on-line or off-line on the high capacity and multiprocessor multimedia server. The recorded data can be visualised and analysed on client clinical workstations. The project helps cost effective interventions to be widely used in routine clinical practice. This will improve the quality of care delivered and keep management costs within reasonable limits.