Newborn resuscitation open incubator
Project data
Department in charge
The aim of the project is to implement a new incubator device that reduces the mortality rate of newborns, particularly premature infants, improves their survival chances and prospects, mitigates damage, and enhances their safety. This will be achieved through scientific research by consortium partners and the use of the latest technologies. The results will lead to the creation of new medical and AI technologies, a new medical prototype, and a world-class, exportable, and marketable product. Leveraging the high-level scientific expertise, international research experience, and knowledge of Semmelweis University and the MTA SZTAKI as consortium members, along with MEDICOR Zrt.'s 50 years of R&D technological developments, a new neonatal resuscitation table (newborn resuscitation open incubator) will be developed. This will include non-contact technology for newborn monitoring and the implementation of a full-body scanner system.
The R&D also involves the optimization of new IT, mechanical, and electronic systems, signal processing and diagnostic systems, sensors, databases, and the integration of these results into the prototype. The new device will apply and integrate the latest neonatal medical methods and technologies of the future.
During the project, the goal of the MTA SZTAKI research is to create a full-body scanner technology for newborns to enable non-contact measurement of vital functions. The multispectral technology used in this research does not currently exist in international markets, and its development and adaptation for monitoring newborn and premature infants will create a completely new generation of incubators.
SE, Medicor Kft