Előadást tartott a HUN-REN SZTAKI-ban Paul Van den Hof, az Eindhoveni Műszaki Egyetem professzora
2024. január 23-án dr. Paul Van den Hof, az Eindhoveni Műszaki Egyetem nemzetközileg elismert professzora tartott előadást a HUN-REN SZTAKI-ban a legfrissebb tudományos eredményeiről. Előadásának címe: „Identification in interconnected systems – modelling, structural aspects and MATLAB Toolbox”.
Előadásának absztraktja: „Solving data-driven modelling problems in interconnected systems requires the appropriate handling of the system’s interconnection structure. A core aspect is the allocation of sensors (measured nodes) and actuators (excited nodes), for identifying either a local module or a full network, while typically these allocation problems do not have unique solutions. In this seminar we will present different ways for modelling interconnected systems from a data-driven modelling perspective, and discuss the consequences for identifiability and identification. A distinction will be made between systems with topologies characterized by either a directed or an undirected graph. This leads to either a (directed) module representation or a (undirected) representation through diffusive couplings. Specific results for the module framework will be illustrated through the recently released MATLAB Toolbox SYSDYNET for identification in dynamic networks.”