The use of artificial intelligence in lung cancer diagnostics could be a milestone
The software developed in cooperation between Semmelweis University (SE), Ulyssys Ltd. and SZTAKI, using artificial intelligence to automatically analyse CT images and aids the early detection of cancer, could be a milestone in lung cancer diagnostics, said Béla Merkely, Rector of SE, at the closing event of the project in Budapest on Thursday.
The rector also said that the programme will enable automatic and rapid diagnostic analysis of chest CT scans, allowing more CT scans to be evaluated, while reducing the workload for doctors. He pointed out that the project is based on the segmentation of 8300 low-dose chest CT scans taken at the University Hospital and the hospitals of Balassagyarmat, Miskolc, Salgótarján, Nyíregyháza, Szolnok and Baja.
He noted that they would also like to extend the programme to complex examinations of the chest organs and the diagnosis of other diseases of the heart and lungs. Béla Merkely stressed that education, research innovation and medicine have helped the University to become an internationally recognised centre of excellence, making it the most successful institution in Central Europe in the rankings of higher education. He added: their fundamental aim is to keep abreast of international trends in all three areas, to make the technology of the future available and to provide an inspiring environment for students, patients and staff that is healthy, supportive of innovation and inspiring.
The project was part of the Széchenyi 2020 programme, for which the Hungarian government provided HUF 1.448 billion in EU funding.
Illustration: Robina Weermeijer// Unsplash