Occopus is a software framework that supports the deployment and configuration (orchestration) of distributed applications built for running on clouds. The collaborative components running on virtual machines form a virtual infrastructure that can run on one or more cloud systems. The currently supported most used cloud interfaces and clouds are: EC2 (Amazon, Opennebula), Nova (Openstack), CloudSigma, CloudBroker. Occopus can be used by developers and operators of applications and services implemented by virtual infrastructure. Occopus is an open source software.
Further information
Official Project site:
https://occopus.readthedocs.io/en/latest- Publications: (see more on the project website)
József Kovács, Péter Kacsuk: Occopus: a Multi-Cloud Orchestrator to Deploy and Manage complex scientific infrastructures, Journal of Grid Computing (2018) 16:19
Publisher: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10723-017-9421-3