gUSE: grid and cloud User Support Environment

Péter Imre Kacsuk
The gUSE is a well-known and permanently improving opensource DCI (Distributed Computing Infrastructure) gateway framework that enables users the convenient and easy access of the grid and cloud infrastructures.
The gUSE is the most visited European workflow system as per statistics of EGI (European Grid Infrastructure) Application Database.
The gUSE has been developed to support a large variety of user communities. It provides a generic purpose, workflow-oriented graphical user interface to create and run workflows on various DCIs including clusters, grids, desktop grids and clouds. The framework can be used by NGIs to support small user communities who cannot afford to develop their own customized science gateway. The gUSE framework also provides two API interfaces (Application Specific Module API and Remote API) to create application-specific science gateways according to the needs of different user communities.
The WS-PGRADE Portal is a web portal of the gUSE introduces for users many advanced features both at the workflow and architecture level. The WS-PGRADE supports the simple development and fast submission of distributed applications executed on the computational resources of various DCIs including clusters, service grids (ARC, gLite, Globus, UNICORE), BOINC desktop grids, clouds (via CloudBroker Platform and Google App Engine).
Official website: http://guse.hu/
Download from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/guse/