GUIDE@HAND mobile application family
The eLearning Department of SZTAKI has dealt with mobile-based software development since 2005. As a result of this activity, a new application family was created under the name of GUIDE@HAND that was able to meet a wide variety of aspects of life in today's age and trends. The first such mobile application served for tourist purposes and was granted with several prizes in Hungary and abroad. Due to the continuous developments, not only tourists may feel like at home in an unknown town or region but locals are also provided with an unforgettable experience as well!
The GUIDE@HAND application family consists of multilingual applications running on smart phones and tablets whose most relevant services are as follows:
- availability on the most widely used mobile platforms (iOS and Android),
- the contents and information provided by the system can be downloaded in advance, therefore, the visitors do not have to pay for the Internet,
- recommending news, events and public information,
- displaying useful places (e.g. restaurants, local service providers, pharmacies etc.) on the map,
- usage of offline or online interactive maps and GPS (outdoors)
- multilingual, thematic guided audio walks in a city or in the nature,
- possibility of standalone discovery of attractions,
- interactive presentation of sights by using panorama pictures,
- offline tour guide using thematic databases (walking, cycling, etc.),
- sharing experiences on mobiles and presenting them on the Web,
- multilingual Web portal with the functions as follows:
- preparation, editing and publishing contents,
- collecting and classifying usage data,
- prior presentation of content, direct application download and support for community functions.
- integration with external databases (e.g., tourism, festival databases).
The application family serves a wide variety of application areas. The thematic groups created so far are as follows:
You can find detailed information on the members of the family on the official Web page of the application family: http://guideathand.com