
Zoltán Farkas, Ph.D.
Flowbster is a new cloud-oriented workflow system. It was designed to create efficient data pipelines in clouds by which very large data sets can efficiently be processed. The Flowbster workflow can be deployed in the target cloud as a virtual infrastructure through which the data to be processed can flow and meanwhile it flows through the workflow it is transformed as the business logic of the workflow defines it. The Flowbster workflow can be deployed in the target cloud on-demand based on the underlying Occopus cloud deployment and orchestrator tool. Flowbster also provides an intuitive graphical user interface for end-user scientists. This interface hides the low level cloud-oriented layers and hence users can concentrate on the business logic of their data processing applications without having detailed knowledge on the underlying cloud infrastructure. A Flowbster tutorial is available on the official Occopus website under the Tutorial section, as Autodock vina.
- Péter Kacsuk, József Kovács, Zoltán Farkas: The Flowbster cloud-oriented workflow system to process large scientific data sets. Journal of Grid Computing, Volume 16, Issue 1, March 2018, pp 55–83
Publisher: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10723-017-9420-4