Lúdas Matyi
Project data
Department in charge
The first Hungarian colour film, the "Lúdas Matyi"or Mattie, the Goose-Boy was produced by outstanding Hungarian artists in 1949. As there were not enough copies the film became worn out and already in 1961 it had to be restored for continnous showing in cinemas. More than 5 million people saw the film, which made it one of the 10 most popular films. As the original copies of the film became phisically useless and they lost most of their colours now it was the last minute to begin a new, complete restoration. The DIMORF consortium (using all results of the project) and the restoration expert Hungarian Film Laboratories started this joint venture at the end of 2003 and good results are expected for 2004. The film’s preview was the 1st July 2004. and on Christmas Day the MTV1 put the film on the bill.
- System Engineering Department;
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing Research Laboratory
- Network Security Department
- University of Veszprém (Tel: (36-88) 422-022/4605, Fax: (36-88) 422-022/4606)
- Image-Processing and Neuro-Computers Department
- Image-Processing Laboratory
- Colour and Multimedia Laboratory
- Hungarian National Film Archive (Telefon/Fax: 200-8739)
- CORTEX Technical Developing Ltd. (Tel: (36-1) 209-6510, Fax: (36-1) 466-7503)