Innovation News

The members of the delegation were Dr. Stephen D. O'Regan (Associate Director, Office of Naval Research, Prague Office), and Ms. Amanda Napier (Science Advisor, US Army RDECOM-Atlantic).
In the competition to identify Europe's top innovators, the European Commission has nominated our institute for its research and development work in the project SYMBIO-TIC. An open vote decides the winner, votes can be given until 12. November.
Between 29-30 Oct. 2018, the 4th Progress Meeting of VISION H2020 EU-Japan research project was held at our Institute. Our partners in this project are as follows: ONERA, University of Bristol, University of Exeter, Dassault Aviation, RICOH, JAXA, ENRI, Mitsubishi Space Software and University of Tokyo.
With more than 500 participants coming from many continents, the World Congress of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO), already in its 22nd year, concluded successfully in Belfast, United Kingdom, where Hungary was represented by our two colleagues Dr. Zsolt János Viharos, senior research fellow of the Research Laboratory on Engineering and Management Intelligence of the MTA SZTAKI and Ákos Zarándy, head of the Computational Optical Sensing and Processing Laboratory, who was elected to be an IMEKO member.
In order to demonstrate the end of a current 2-year-long R&D joint project, MTA SZTAKI and the consortium-leader HEPENIX Ltd. had jointly organized a conclusive event for a large number of industry-oriented experts. The target of the INTRO:4.0 project was to support and enable SMEs and other industrial enterprises to introduce new industrial technologies, offered by the international movement named Industry 4.0. The project aimed to serve Use-Cases, digital technologies to the manufacturing and other industrial companies.
In order to deepen the scientific collaboration, the two partners are organizing a German-Hungarian Innovation Day entitled “Partnership for Innovation and Excellence,” which will be held on the premises of MTA SZTAKI in Budapest on May 25, 2018. High-caliber speakers at the event will include Prof. Reimund Neugebauer, President of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Prof. László Lovász, President of MTA, Prof. László Monostori, Director of MTA SZTAKI and head of the Fraunhofer-SZTAKI partnership, and László Palkovics, minister for Innovation and Technology. The event will also include the official opening of the offices of the newly established corporation EPIC InnoLabs Non-profit.
COURAGE H2020 project, along with six other projects, was invited to exhibit on the European Institutions Open Day 2018 in Brussels. In the event held on May 5, the selected projects aimed to demonstrate scientific research and innovations come to life under the H2020 framework.
The eLearning Department supports the development, management and presentation of multiplatform (mobile and Web) games as its most recent service. By using the service, we have created a serious educational game “The Thracians” about the ancient tribe in cooperation with our Bulgarian partner institute. The game development tool supporting new methods of interactive learning and the game is presented in two short videos at the opening conference of the H2020 project REACH (RE-designing Access to Cultural Heritage) on 10-11 May 2018.
The FLEXOP consortium -- led by our Institute -- has developed an unmanned aerial vehicle platform to facilitate the study of aeroelastic behaviour of aircraft and test advanced control methods for the future generation of commercial aircraft.
A workgroup of the EU-Japan H2020 VISION (Validation of Integrated Safety-enhanced Intelligent flight cONtrol) project aims to increase safety in case of the possible performance degradation of automatic landing systems (GNSS or ILS) by integrating vision based information.
After the successful smartphone outdoor competition last year, the Municipality of Ferencváros and the eLearning Department of MTA SZTAKI have jointly prepared and organised a new competition on the scenes of childhood of Attila József.
Our institute participated successful on Websummit, one of the most prominent and biggest IT conference and fair in the world in Lisbon. The institute was represented by the Shared Virtual Reality Research Group of the Machine Perception Research Laboratory. Due to the open source ApertusVR product, our institute gained the opportunity to interact with future clients from sectors that were not characteristic before.
The first Hungarian film-tourism smartphone application has been created with the contribution of the eLearning Department of MTA SZTAKI. The application provides the most complete guide of one of the most popular film destination capitals, Budapest.
The Lidar data processing solution developed in the Machine Perception Research Laboratory (MPLab) was invited by Velodyne Europe executive director Erich Smidt for a live demonstration in the exhibition area of the market leading sensor manufacturing company at the Frankfurt Motor Show (
József Attila, a 20. századi magyar- és világirodalom kimagasló alakja Budapest IX. kerületében született 1905 áprilisában. 14 éves koráig Ferencváros volt az otthona. 2015-ben intézetünk eLearning Osztálya és a Ferencvárosi Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény egy GPS alapú, interaktív okostelefonos sétát készített „József Attilával a Ferencvárosban” néven. A 2017-es ferencvárosi költészet napi ünnepre a séta fejlesztői a kerületi diákok számára különleges szabadtéri tájékozódási vetélkedőt készítettek elő és szerveztek meg.
Based on its previous Hungarian Patent submission, MTA SZTAKI has submitted an international (PCT) patent for its fluorescent-holographic microscope. The invention combines fluorescent microscopy with digital holographic microscopy technology.
A successful R&D project that was launched in 2015 is to be completed in June 2017 by the project consortium. The project was funded by the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Fund and it was coordinated by the Institute for Computer Science and Control (MTA SZTAKI). The technical objectives of the project were to define and implement a set of automated control functions for commercial vehicles.
The molecular diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases, which are highly endemic in Hungary, tumour and inflammatory diseases, and the development of essential manufacturing and logistics systems for industrial production will be the core focus areas of the two new domestic centres of excellence which were among the 10 winners in the “Teaming” research excellence programme, the most prestigious Widening actionl of the Horizon 2020 framework programme.
Venue: National Research, Development and Innovation Office, Room 451, Kéthly Anna tér 1., Budapest, Hungary. The event will be open to the press and live-streamed on the NRDI Office website.
In collaboration with Hitachi’s Manufacturing Technology Research Center (Japan) and Fraunhofer IPA (Germany), researchers of the Engineering and Management Intelligence Laboratory took part in the development of a secure resource sharing technology for geographically dispersed production facilities.