Innovation News

The oldest news agency of the United States visited the Győr laboratory of SZTAKI to take a look at robotic plant farming.
The Innovation Cluster for Digital Society (Biztonságos Digitális Társadalom Innovációs Klaszter – BDTIK) held its inaugural meeting on July 27, 2021, with the participation of SZTAKI. At the same time, it launched innovative projects aimed at the development of e-government and e-public services, the performance of law enforcement tasks, and the application of artificial intelligence for administrative purposes, which could not yet meet the needs of citizens. The cluster brings together industry-leading public IT service providers, higher education and academic institutions to bring together their research and development activities to further support the digital society through their innovations. The cluster operates within the framework of the National Laboratory for Infocommunications and Information Technology.
As part of this year’s International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2021), an open international competition called “Dynamic Pickup And Delivery Problem” organized by Huawei sought a solution to the title challenge.
Bálint Vanek, deputy head of the Systems and Control Lab of SZTAKI, and leader of the Aerospace Guidance, Navigation, and Control Group, has showcased the research of his laboratory and how its revolutionizing the future of aviation by flexible wings in an introduction video of SZTAKI made for the INCOM 2021 virtual conference.
The Hungarian Artificial Intelligence Coalition held a professional partner day on 15.06., and a public exhibition on 16.06. Demonstrations of the Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI) and other partners of the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory (MILAB) were on display at the Q building of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
SZTAKI (Institute for Computer Science and Control) has now become a member of DBpedia Association. The organization supports activities to develop DBpedia, a collaborative project that aims to prepare and constantly update knowledge graphs based on Wikipedia data.
As the conclusion of 2020’s “Factory of the Year” competition is approaching, researchers and employees of SZTAKI and EPIC InnoLabs Ltd. visit the four shortlist finalists of the Industry 4.0 category to perform the local audit.
The paper details the functions of the team’s model-based flight control system, developed for the flexible winged test plane, build under the H2020 FLEXOP project.
Goal of the EGI Federation is to ship open and advanced solutions in the fields of computing and data analysis for international research and innovation. To achieve this, the Federation combines the infrastructure, services and proficiency of its members, covering as many fields as possible, while also supporting cooperation abroad.
SZTAKI, Wigner Research Centre for Physics and Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH) held its professional gathering titled “ELKH Cloud in service of science: past, present, future” on Zoom and Youtube due to the pandemic on the 28th of October 2020.
It only takes fifteen minutes to fill the questionnaire about company digitalization conducted by Fraunhofer Institute, ENRICH - European Network of Research and Innovation Centers and Hubs and EPIC - Excellence Center in Production Informatics and Control to value the digital staging of one company.
During the last week of November 2020, at the premises of HUNGEXPO   park, the joint exhibition of INDUSTRY DAYS  and AUTOMOTIVE-Hungary organized the famous TECH-TOGETHER contest among 12 university student-groups. The contest was managed by the AUTOPRO and the Scientific Society  for Mechanical Engineers (GTE). 
On the 22nd of October 2020, SZTAKI’s researchers held a beginner’s course about the research and science cloud service ELKH Cloud in front of more than 120 attendees, gaining a huge amount of attention. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, visitors joined online.
On the 19th of November 2019, an aircraft with aeroelastically tailored wings flew in real environment for the first time in the world. The wings carbon fibre composite orientation is changing by the wind’s direction. The flight of the craft that was developed under the SZTAKI-lead international project FLEXOP was to test ease passive damping of the load on the wings. SZTAKI has also responsible for building and functioning the board aviation (electric flight) system, including sensors and batteries inside the wings, and the autopilot system’s software and hardware components. With these, the craft is viable for repeatable experiments to collect data.
Megalakult a Mesterséges Intelligencia Koalíció (MI Koalíció) Balatonfüreden. Palkovics László innovációs és technológiai miniszter hangsúlyozta, a koalíció magalapításában ölt testet Magyarország válasza a mesterséges intelligencia generálta kihívásokra, platformot teremtve az ezen területen dolgozó szervezetek együttműködéséhez. Monostori László akadémikus, intézetünk igazgatója az MTA SZTAKI és az IPAR 4.0 Nemzeti Platform Szövetség nevében is aláírta az egyezményt.
Dr. Zsolt János Viharos, researcher at the Engineering and Management Intelligence Laboratory of SZTAKI presented a lecture as invited speaker and participated in the discussions on the industrial platform meeting of the Business Community of Hungarian CEOs (MVÜK).
Dr. László Palkovics, Minister of Innovation and Technology, announced the foundation of 16 National Laboratories at a press conference at the University of Pécs, Hungary. The National Laboratories are formed as consortia of research centers, universities and industry. Two of the National Laboratories, the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory and the National Laboratory for Autonomous Systems, are led by the Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI), Hungary.
SZTAKI is one of the key pioneers of the Industry 4.0 trend on global and on Hungarian levels as well: the institute is proud on its various scientific and development results. These results were extended recently: the Intelligent Processes Research Group led by Dr. Zsolt János Viharos, of the Research Laboratory on Engineering and Management Intelligence of SZTAKI developed a novel, more efficient algorithm that was included into the production machines of AQ Anton and FANUC as well.
The largest virtual reality community in Europe (XR4ALL) has selected ApertusVR as a recommended VR framework. SZTAKI's software innovation will be the fundamental of future VR applications by the developers of XR4ALL.