Zsolt János Viharos, researcher at SZTAKI, gave a lecture on Industry 4.0
Dr. Zsolt János Viharos, researcher at the Engineering and Management Intelligence Laboratory of SZTAKI presented a lecture as invited speaker and participated in the discussions on the industrial platform meeting of the Business Community of Hungarian CEOs (MVÜK).
Dr. Zsolt János Viharos presented in his talk the global actualities of Industry 4.0 and the measurement of the Industry 4.0 readiness as well. The broad field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) was reviewed together with the related applicability conditions, followed by the evaluation of the results and the frequently arising significant steps ahead including indirect effects of the related developments. Finally, national actualities were flashed, like the recently published Artificial Intelligence Strategy of Hungary 2020-2030, the Industry 4.0 National Technology Platform Association that has been working for a long time, and the Hungarian Artificial Intelligence European Digital Innovation Hub (AI-EDIH) initiative that is currently under preparation, which aims to propagate AI in the business sector with emphasis on SMEs, Start-ups and public services.
Photo credit: MVUK