MILAB's 2024 Machine Learning Days event was an exceptional success
Between July 30 and August 1, 2024, the Hungarian Machine Learning Days was organized for the second time at the European Youth Centre in Budapest, by the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory (MILAB), coordinated by HUN-REN SZTAKI.
The second three-day ML professional conference was organized with great interest and attention, which, in addition to building the AI ecosystem, once again provided an opportunity for internationally renowned researchers and PhD students working abroad to seek answers to professional questions and to jointly interpret the anomalies that have arisen with colleagues working on Machine Learning in Hungarian research institutions. The presentations were followed each day by a two-hour poster session with networking.
It was organized by the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory (MILAB), which was launched in 2020 with the mission to bring together Hungarian researchers and institutions working in the field of AI; organizing thematic, professional events, building European AI Centres, ELLIS links.
Speakers at the event included Gergely Neu (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Róbert Busa-Fekete (Google), Long Tran-Thanh (University of Warwick), Debmalya Mandal (University of Warwick), Fanghui Liu (University of Warwick), Haifeng Xu (University of Chicago), Róbert Pálovics (University of Stanford), Tamás Stenczel (University of Cambridge), Csaba Szepesvári (Deepmind / University of Alberta), Noémi Éltető (Deepmind), Gergő Flamich (University of Cambridge), Botond Szabó (Bocconi University), Anna Kerekes, Anna Mészáros and Szilvi Ujváry (ETH & Cambridge & Cambridge), Ferenc Huszár (University of Cambridge), Dániel Baráth (ETH Zurich), Csaba Beleznai (AIT Austria), Attila Lovas (HUN-REN Rényi Alfréd Mathematical Research Institute), Szabolcs Szentpéteri (HUN-REN SZTAKI), Tamás Ambrus (HUN-REN SZTAKI), Attila Csordás (AgeCurve, Cambridge, UK), Levente Halmosi, Bálint Mohos, and Márk Jelasity. Panel discussions also covered topics such "women in Machine Learning" and "how Hungarian students may move forward in their ML career".
Roland Jakab, CEO of HUN-REN, gave a speech about the research network. More pictures can be seen in the gallery available on the HUN-REN SZTAKI Facebook page by clicking here.