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15th IMEKO TC10 Workshop on Technical Diagnostics: "Technical Diagnostics in Cyber-Physical Era"

The International Measurement Confederation IMEKO, Technical Committee 10 on Technical Diagnostics, kindly invites you to attend the 15th IMEKO TC10 Workshop on Technical Diagnostics: “Technical Diagnostics in Cyber-Physical Era” to be held in Budapest, Hungary, on June 6-7, 2017. The Workshop is a forum for advancing knowledge and exchange ideas on methods, principles, instruments and tools, standards and industrial applications on Technical Diagnostics as well as their diffusion across the scientific community. Participants have an excellent opportunity to meet top specialists from industry and academia all over the world and to enhance their international co-operation. The programme will feature industry leading keynote speakers and selected presentations.

Call for papers

Authors are kindly invited to submit extended abstracts in the appointed scientific topics, three to four pages long in A4 format. The abstract should report original research results of theoretical or applied nature and should explain the significance of the contribution to the research field. The abstracts will be reviewed by the International Programme Committee. Electronic abstracts must be in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) and should be sent according to the procedure described in the Submission Guidlines.

All final papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings – ISBN: 978-92-990075-5-6, included in the conference materials.

Special issue

The presented papers at IMEKO TC10 are eligible for submission to the Measurement and ACTA IMEKO Special Issues. All submitted papers will undergo a regular peer review process. The manuscript MUST be significantly technically extended beyond the proceedings paper.

Scientific topics

  • Technical diagnostics in the cyber-physical era and in industry 4.0 environment.
  • Basic principles and development trends in technical diagnostics.
  • Innovative sensors, data acquisition systems and signal processing.
  • Condition monitoring and maintenance of industrial processes, plants and complex systems
  • Diagnostics for Maintainability, Safety, Risk assessment and Management.
  • Safety critical systems.
  • System state modelling, change detection.
  • Detection and prognosis of failures and damages.
  • Artificial intelligence techniques and machine learning for diagnostics.
  • Decision support and IT solutions for diagnostics.
  • Industrial applications of monitoring and supervision systems, especially in transportation, mechatronics, avionics, automotive, biomedics, IT and in the improvement of quality of life and environment.
  • Industrial standards.
