Production planning and optimization
Customer-oriented manufacturing companies need production planning tools that help them to fulfill orders in a fast and flexible way. At the same time, these tools should keep production costs as low as possible, and eliminate all the unnecessary fluctuations of the production load. These challenges can only be met if companies exploit state-of-the-art planning technologies to their full potential. Planning tools must perform real optimization, and generate production plans in an efficient, automated, and reproducible way. To achieve user acceptance, they must offer decision support by analyzing different plan alternatives.
The Laboratory is committed to finding the right IT support and planning algorithms for your production. Our services cover tender management regarding providers, as well as the development of customized software tools for your specific needs. Additionally, the Laboratory features cutting-edge knowledge in the following fields of production planning:
- Improvement of business processes in production planning and control
- Selection and implementation of ERP, PPC, APS, and MES software
- Parameterization of planning data and responsibilities in the process
- Innovative production planning solutions
- Handling the capacity utilization, personnel- and logistic aspects of production planning
- Harmonization of sales, production, and material supply along the planning cascade
- Optimization, using state-of-the-art mathematical programming and artificial intelligence methods