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High-level university delegation visited SZTAKI from Vietnam

On 29 November 2022, a high-level delegation from the University of Transport and Communications (UTC) of Vietnam visited SZTAKI. The delegation was led by Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Long, President of the aforementioned University.

The aim of the visit was to identify and map the collaboration opportunities through finding overlapping and complementary R&D interests between those of UTC and SZTAKI. Péter Gáspár introduced the Systems and Control Research Laboratory of SZTAKI, then he presented the main research areas of the Autonomous Systems National Laboratory (ARNL), and highlighted some ARNL results to the guests.

Bálint Vanek presented the SZTAKI and ARNL projects related to aeronautics and presented a handful of their results. János Nacsa gave an interesting presentation on robotics research carried out and solutions realized in MILAB and ARNL. Tamás Bécsi from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, also representing ARNL, also took part in the discussion. In the SZTAKI’s Innovation and Demonstration Space, researchers from SZTAKI and ARNL gave impressive demos on the ongoing research.