INCOM 2021 is approaching: SZTAKI is organizing a virtual event
Is data the new oil? What is the difference between digital shadows and digital twins? Is there life after deep learning? One may find answers for these questions if joins the virtual INCOM 2021 between 7-9 June.
The event will be hold by using a web/mobile application that allows participants to ask questions after the presentations. They may even chat with each other real time, and the networking of INCOM events is going to be virtually replicated by online networking groups limited to 40 attendees.
During the three-day span of the conference, presentations will be held in 5 individual virtual rooms. Analysis of the evolution and change of assembly trends during Industry 4.0, digitalization of manufacturing, supporting effective decision making by intelligent methods, robotics and artificial intelligence will all be topics to discuss.
Plenary talks will be held in the main Ceremony Room: Prof. François B. Vernadat’s Integration and Interoperability in Automated and Smart Manufacturing Systems presentation is on June 7.; Prof. Jürgen Beyerer’s talk titled How to Optimize Production Processes Systematically based on methods of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning? is the following on June 8.; Prof. Soundar Kumara is having the final plenary talk of INCOM 2021 on June 9., under the title AI and ML in Manufacturing – Is there Life after Deep Learning?.
The participation fee is 100 euros but students may get their tickets for 50 euros. To see the full program of the event, check out the official website where you can buy your ticket and learn more about the app necessary to join in.