New software supports the Hungarian Scientific Bibliography (MTMT2) (Press Release)
As of November 1, 2018 the national scientific publication registry system called Hungarian Scientific Bibliography (MTMT) is supported by a new software system (MTMT v.2.0). The Department of Distributed Systems at MTA SZTAKI has developed the new version, on behalf of and in close cooperation with the Library and Information Centre of MTA during the past 4 years. The first 4 months following the introduction of the new software system (facing extremely busy operational periods) proved the full operability of the system and showed its many benefits.
The national scientific publication registry system called Hungarian Scientific Bibliography (MTMT), being the central national data registry, serves the full spectrum of the spheres of Hungarian research, higher education and state, keeping records of the results of the Hungarian research activities and also disseminating scientific statistical data. Scientific data publishing is targeted at the governmental, academic and higher educational insititutions that manage, supervise and finance those spheres; however, MTMT gives comprehensive and detailed information to the society as well. MTMT is the central repository of the basic data of Hungarian scientific metrics.