Integration meeting of the H2020 project SYMBIO-TIC
Between the 10th and 12th December 2018, three members of our Institute (Gergely Horváth - EMI, Csaba Kardos - EMI, Balázs Pataki - DSD) participated on an integration meeting of the H2020 project SYMBIO-TIC.
The main objective of SYMBIO-TIC H2020 project is to provide a safe, dynamic, intuitive and cost-effective work environment that ensures immersive and symbiotic collaboration between human workers and robots. In the demonstration factory of Volvo, in Skövde Sweden, the final presentation of the project -- due in March 2019 -- have been prepared. During their 3 days visit our colleagues installed, integrated and tested the necessary developments for the multi-modal communication and the voice and gesture control systems.
With the help and cooperation of fellow researchers from numerous European research facilities, they were working toward the goal of making the separate components operate as a complex system. The four-year-long project closes on 31st March 2019, live demonstrations are due by 12-13 March.